Grad Knight Bus Selection Process

- WED - DATE TBD ALL students with a ticket for the 2025 Grad Knight celebration will get an email sent to their PERSONAL (non-BSD) email identifying ALL STUDENTS that have purchased TICKETS and their priority number.
- PLEASE CHECK YOUR JUNK MAIL during this time!
- Don't see a friend on the list?
- Invite your friend to PURCHASE TICKETS HERE through (DATE TBD)
- MON - Date TBD 12:01 am: Students with priority numbers 001-030 will get an email.
- The email will include:
- the Newport Grad Knight Student Waiver
- A link to the list of available busses,
- Which students have selected which bus and the number of available spaces left on any bus. Each bus holds 52 students.
- Each bus will have a color, you can request a seat on ANY color bus.
- You must respond to the bus assignment email invitation with your choice of color bus by 9 PM of the dated bus request email
- You (student) MUST include the completed typed waiver that was sent to you with your typed signature in your bus assignment response.
- You may include up to TWO other friends, who have agreed to be assigned with you (with any priority number) in your request.
- The two friends you are including in your request MUST be on the CC line and your email response MUST include their typed waivers.
- The priority list will shift as some students with a lower purchase priority will have been invited by students with higher purchase priority to be assigned to a bus.
- If you are included on the CC line of a friend with a higher priority you will not get an email to make a bus request, because you have already been assigned a bus.
- TUES - FRI- Date TBD: Beginning 12:01 AM the next group of 031-060 priority numbers (after all the shifting) will receive an email and the process will repeat Wed/Thurs/Fri of that week.
- Responses are due back by 9:00 PM that same day.
Bus Assignment FAQs
Q: Why do you stop selling tickets by TBD?
- A: We need to have a student count so we can put in our final order for busses.
- A: We would like every student that would like to attend to have the opportunity to go. We will continue to sell tickets as long as we have seats available on the busses we ordered. We will not be able to order additional busses after Mid-May.
- A: Once you have gone through the bus assignment process - assignments are final, so please make sure you use the time before assignment begins to map out your game plan. You are not assigned a specific seat - only a bus. You are free to sit anywhere on the bus you like. If you are a late ticket purchaser, you can choose from buses that have open seating. Again, bus assignments are fully transparent. Students will be able to see which students have selected which buses when they are invited to choose a bus.
- Unfortunately if you do not have a payment confirmation receipt, we don't have record of your registration. Please make sure your parent has confirmed their payment, as that is what secures your priority for bus assignment.
- We encourage you to purchase your ticket and work with a student that has their priority number assigned so you can sit on the same bus, or, when it is your turn to request your assignment, we'd be happy to put you on your requested bus if there is still availability.
- A: If you you did not respond to your bus assignment email, you will be moved to the next days' group and get another invitation. If you fail to respond at all, you will be assigned a bus at the discretion of the assignor.
- A: ABSOLUTLY! We encourage you to work together once you are assigned a bus to come up with your preferred playlist.
The Newport Grad Knight Committee is certified 501(c)(3)operating under the guidance and support
of the Newport High School PTSA.
of the Newport High School PTSA.