Grad Knight Event Registration
Step 1 - Register for Grad Knight

Parents or guardians, please click REGISTER HERE to register and PAY for your student's ticket for 2025 Newport Grad Knight celebration! You will receive a payment confirmation from Givebacks if your student has been registered successfully.
- Student cost for the Grad Knight party is $232+ $8 credit card processing fees.
- During your check out process, you will have the ability to select a 'Custom Tip'. Please select $0.00 for a tip. Tips do not benefit Newport PTSA directly.
- Bus priority assignment is granted by purchase date, please confirm you have received a payment confirmation from Givebacks.
- Register early, as ticket prices will increase as the event gets closer. Students are encouraged to coordinate ticket purchases with friends. Bus assignments will be open in May.
- Please check your SPAM for registration confirmation from MemberHub and Givebacks.
Step 2 - Read and Sign Waivers
- ONLY parent/guardian signatures are required for the form submittal at this time. We will be collecting student waiver forms as part of the bus assignment process in MAY.
- If you did not download the Grad Knight waiver as part of your student's registration, there is a copy below.
- Please note the Emergency Care Plan is ONLY required IF your student has a medical condition.
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2A - 2025 Senior Release REQUIRED
Parents or guardians, please take a moment to review the expectations of the event with your senior on the front page of the senior release. Students will be submitting their waiver as part of the bus assignment process in May.
2B- 2025 Emergency Care Plan - IF YOUR STUDENT HAS A MEDICAL CONDITION or ADDITIONAL NEED THAT WE SHOULD BE AWARE OF (please detail in the Immediate Response Section)
Please DO NOT fill this out this form unless your student has medical condition we need to be aware of.
Need Based Assistance
Need based assistance is available. Please send an email to [email protected] to provide a brief explanation of your circumstances (this will only be seen by the Grad Knight Steering Committee).
The Newport Grad Knight Committee is certified 501(c)(3) operating under the guidance and support
of the Newport High School PTSA.
of the Newport High School PTSA.